The PPLP is a nine-month program, co-lead by Ingrid Bauer (Certified Trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication - CNVC) and Stephanie Bachmann Mattei, (CNVC Certified Trainer and CNVC Assessor) aimed at nurturing and developing leaders who are committed to spreading Nonviolent Communication (NVC) to parents, teachers and youth-serving professionals in their communities, especially in those regions where there are no NVC trainers.
The PPLP was originally created in 2006 by the late Inbal Kashtan (a CNVC Certified Trainer, co-founder of BayNVC and author of Parenting from Your Heart: Sharing the Gifts of Compassion, Connection and Choice) as a program of the Peaceful Families, Peaceful World Project of The International Center for Nonviolent Communication - CNVC and BayNVC. The PPLP has also worked for several years in partnership with the NVC Academy.
The PPLP begins in January and runs through December (with a summer break), and is structured as a long-distance program in order to support participation by lay leaders throughout the world. The components of the program include regularly scheduled video-conferences, weekly study suggestions, buddy relationships, and individualized online support.
A Word from Miki Kashtan
The Parent Peer Leadership Program was created by my late sister Inbal, and has
been carried by Ingrid and Stephanie for years. What i hear from parents about it is
universally positive. I imagine we all know that for as long as parenting continues in
the way that it has been for centuries and in parts of the world for millennia, we will
continue to reproduce the existing paradigm. this program specifically trains people
to share NVC parenting principles and practices with others.